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World's fastest growing crypto community.
We move more freely, for our people, for their growth.


Make Profits consistently

Where all of your investments hit huge profit targets and where you already know what will happen to the markets way before it even happens!

Think about how it will help you on your road to financial independence. You will live the life of your dreams. You’ll never have to worry about how you will win the bread for your loved ones.

Feels good to picture it all, right? What if it all came true? What if there could be someone that helped you achieve all of your dreams? Panda family is here to help you make it all come true.


Our Vision

Our vision is to empower our youth and their families by helping them acquire secret financial education, have in-depth crypto knowledge, and learn the best trading, investment, and passive money-making skills one can find in the world.


Our Mission

Our mission is to create bridges for our fellow Pakistanis to achieve financial independence and wealth in this crypto boom. To create a pathway to making a stable income out of trading and investing in Crypto, NFTs, and others.


Our Aim

We aim to create a platform for everyone to benefit from this growing market. A platform that provides the best knowledge on all things crypto and finance. So that you can live your life the way you have always wanted to.

What makes us better

What would you do if you knew EXACTLY what coins will do a 5x before they pumped?

You would always be making huge gains, right?

That is exactly what we help you to do. Our analysis, calls, and trade signals are the finest, and they make you money in any market.


Unique Analysis

Our method of analyzing and profiting from the crypto market differentiates us from everyone else. The way we look at markets and find opportunities to make profits is unique in every aspect.


We Help You

We have helped over 3,000 people change their lives since 2021. People who wanted to make sense of the crypto market and seize opportunities for the unlimited wealth it presented. People that wanted to earn a consistent income online. People, just like you.


Better Sources

Our approach to the financial markets is based on external sources rather than one-dimensional factors. Our analysis and trade signals rarely depend on supports or resistances and chart patterns that honestly do not work on their own.


We Make Profits

We have mastered the art of turning every opportunity into profits, and it is what we are here to teach you. So that you can acquire the knowledge and understanding of the financial markets to change your lives for the better.

Our Services


1 on 1 Consultation

This is where we get on call and do the working. If you have any queries regarding your trading journey, you can ask here. This category is for those who wants to learn how to trade, how to create your own signals.


Portofolio Management

If you are new to crypto and wants to know how to manage your portfolio and also learn risk management.


Trading Ideas

If You are interested in Trading ideas and alerts are mentioned here. Sign up below!

